If the good Lord's willing and the creek don't rise, I'll be at the 600 for the fifth time in six years. It'll be my seventh 600 and my ninth Charlotte race overall with visits to the fall race in 1992 and 1993.
My first 600 was in 1994 when Jeff Gordon won his first career Cup race. Look at about the 2:17 mark. Right in the center of the picture. Did you see me? I was the one booing.
For my first two or three 600s, my friend and I didn't get to do much tailgating. Oh, we had the celebratory Schaefer - no question. But we didn't take the time to do the full set-up.
That all changed about five years for me. We hooked up with a great crowd of folks from all over the place. Though I barely know any of them and only see them once per year, we always easily fall right back into having a great time.
So what do our plans look like? Maybe a bit like this:
Listening to NASCAR stories and some purty-good original songs by syndicated NASCAR writer, Monte Dutton...

Nationwide race after lunch...
After the Nationwide race when the sun goes down? Well, Charlotte isn't Vegas. But in this case, what happens at the track will stay at the track.
Super-competitive, no-holds-barred, knock-down-drag-out, steel-cage-match cornhole tournament...
Indy 500 on tailgating TV (just happened to think...when Danica falls out early ya reckon she'll make a beeline for Charlotte to see how the Cup guys git 'r done?)
Coca-Cola 600 Sprint Cup race...
That all changed about five years for me. We hooked up with a great crowd of folks from all over the place. Though I barely know any of them and only see them once per year, we always easily fall right back into having a great time.
So what do our plans look like? Maybe a bit like this:
Listening to NASCAR stories and some purty-good original songs by syndicated NASCAR writer, Monte Dutton...

Nationwide race after lunch...

Super-competitive, no-holds-barred, knock-down-drag-out, steel-cage-match cornhole tournament...

Inflatable cans!

Hopefully the Schaefer Crew will accept the invitation to attend next years Southern 500 in Darlington and Camp at the most glorious of all Parties www.bryansraceparty.com. You gotta see it to believe it. Thanks for the good times, Bryan and Sabrina.