Monday, December 19, 2011

Three Years - Surely You Jest

Seriously? Three years ago? Yep, December 19, 2008 was the inaugural posting of this blog?

My co-blogger, banktruck, and I charted our own course and set our own pace. The vibe of the blog as the years have passed doesn't quite match the original intent. For years, we bantered (and still do) with each other via e-mail about our Monday, post-race opinions. After years of doing so, we thought the idea of writing a blog to let others in on our discussions, observations, and opinions made some sense and would be fun. The fun part has been there. However, I think the approach of chiming in on current racing issues or events may have happened perhaps twice in the last three years. Oh well.

Also, the idea of having two contributors was to have both of us ... well, contribute. As we've made laps, I've posted the lion's share of entries and BT's entries number ... hmm, uh, well ... less than mine. Several personal and professional life events have unfolded for BT that have minimized his posts - but that's OK too.

We thought about going off-theme and trade thoughts about topics such as hockey, faith or politics. Instead, readers have gotten entries about NASCAR in general, historical reflections about Richard Petty specifically and Three Degrees of Separation from him, and Schaefer beer schelebration stories.

Personally, this venue has been very gratifying for me thus far.
  • I've asked for and received blogging guidance from established writers such as syndicated NASCAR beat writer, Monte Dutton, and occasional contributor, Rick Houston. Friendships have evolved from that correspondence.
  • I've been invited not just once but twice to blog for a commercial site. While flattered, I've declined both invitations. With this blog, we blog what we want, when we want, and in whatever style we want. Thus far, I've been unwilling to commit to a defined number of words, to hit an established deadline, deliver a consistent style, etc. I have a day job - and this is my hobby/interest. Period.
  • Its been pretty interesting to see the metrics for the blog. Initially, single-digit view counts were reported. In 2011, views consistently hit triple-digit reads on entries. That number is nothing compared to big-time blogs. But to think anyone other than the threesome of Me, Myself or I give a rip about my thoughts is humbling.
  • The biggest challenge I've taken on for 2011-2012 is to post an entry for each of Richard Petty's 200 wins. This venue has enabled me to interact and develop friendships with other long-time Petty fans who have provided articles, photos, and memories.
As Year 4 begins, I truly thank anyone reading this post - whether it be from a Google search result, a link from a message board, a tweet, a passion for Schaefer beer, or a direct e-mail I've sent you. Thank. You.

Now cake shall be served! Schaefer anyone?

See you in 2012.

TMC and BT

1 comment:

  1. Great cake!!!!!!!! but it looks like you need some Bertmans. UDR
